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Sunday, November 20, 2011

The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn Part 1

I'm just going to say it, I liked this movie.
True all of the Twilight films are a bit cheesy in their own way, but the plot and most of the acting is pretty good.
I at first did not like either Robert Pattenson or Kristen Stewart for the roles of Edward and Bella however with each twilight movie release they started to grow on me.... yes even Bella's awkward sighs and stuttering don't bug me as much as it used to.
I don't really have to explain what happens in the film because everyone has already either read the book or has seen the other movies prior and knows what to expect.
Their are a lot of haters of the Twilight Saga and I think they are a bit harsh, I mean really the movie franchise isn't as bad as people think. Just go with it and have a good time, even if you find yourself laughing at some of the more serious parts.


Running Time 1hr & 57mins

PG-13 for disturbing images, violence, sexuality/partial nudity and some thematic elements.

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