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Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Super 8

Super 8 isn't something new, we've seen it before.
Super 8 is what I like to call a meatloaf movie. Why you ask do I call it a  meatloaf movie? Because it has a crap load of similarities we have already seen.
The film is a mix between E.T., The Goonies and Close Encounters.
 It seems like Producer Steven Spielberg has ran out of original ideas so he dug up the scripts from some of his older movies ripped out the different parts from each and threw Super 8 together with the help of Director J.J. Abrams.
The first 80 Min's of the movie was okay. There were parts that drug on and there were only a few scenes that kept my attention.
The last 30 minuets was the worst. I was expecting this movie to be somewhat of a suspense thriller that included an alien, which it did and that it destroyed everyone and everything in sight which it did until the last few minutes of the film when it changed its mind and took off in its space ship and left everyone alone. What the crap???
What kind of ending was that? I don't understand why for the first hour of the film we are given a plot that could turn out to be a real horror flick and then turned into an after school special about how its okay when things don't go our way and the alien's heart grows 3 sizes and leaves in peace. 
If you ask me the movie should have been titled Super Lame because it was.
Enough Said.


Running Time 1hr & 51mins

PG 13 for for intense sequences of sci-fi action and violence, language and some drug use.

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