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Tuesday, August 16, 2011

The Help

It may be a bit early for Oscar votes, but I am putting mine in now.
 I think The Help is one of the Best Pictures to have been made in a long time.
I read the book prior to seeing the film because when a movie is based on a book I like to be able to compare the two, and the movie did the book justice.
Not only did the Movie follow the book well it also had top notch performances by all who were involved in the movie and helped bring the book to life.
I would like to compliment the three main Actresses Viola Davis, Octavia Spencer and Emma Stone. Talk about grade A acting. I have never been to a movie that had me so involved with the characters and wishing that they were real because this movie makes you feel for them and the issues they are dealing with personally in their individual lives.
This Movie pulled at so many emotions. It made me laugh, It made me cry and it broke my heart.
I Have so much respect for the African American Women who were so brave in a time of much trials. There really are no words I could say that would get the message across of how amazing those women are. Their examples are Inspiring.
You would think this movie was based on a true story by how well it was written.
The writer of the Novel Kathryn Stockett grew up with an African American Maid and loved her.
She said that her life's experiences with her families maid gave her the idea for the Novel.
At the end of the Showing I was in for this film, the crowd cheered and I couldn't agree more to how much this movie deserved it.
This movie was Beautiful, very well done.

Grade A+

Running Time 2hrs & 26Mins
Rated PG-13 For Thematic Elements

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