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Thursday, July 5, 2012

Depressing People Like Us

What were they thinking? That is my question to the Director and Producers of this film.
In all honesty, this movie was very depressing. The only part of the movie I enjoyed was the very end, possibly because I knew it was over. No in all seriousness the end was heartwarming, unfortunately the almost two hours it took to get there was not.
Chris Pine and Elizabeth Banks star in this movie about two siblings who have no idea they are related. Upon the death of their father Jerry, Chris Pines Character (that's what I'll have to call him because a day later I can't remember the sad sacks name in this movie) is given a shaving kit that is full of money, 150 thousand dollars to be exact, and he is supposed to deliver it to his sister Frankie (I at least remembered one of their names) who he has never met before.
So Chris Pine goes to give his sister the money, but he doesn't dare tell her that they are related upon meeting and why you ask? Well I assume it was so Hollywood could give us another boring movie that also has the ability to make you realize your own life isn't as depressing as the fake people in this movie is.
The hard thing for me and I think everyone else in the theater was the fact that we could have been satisfied with a movie that was feel good, but instead we are given drama sequence after drama sequence, and it gets old fast.
At one point in the movie I thought to myself, "why doesn't he just tell her they are related and get it over with!" Seriously, this movie just drug on and on, only to inevitably give us the ending we all know is coming. The Hugs and Kisses session as I like to refer to it.

Sad. This movie had potential, but instead just spun in the mud and got us nowhere.

Grade D-

Running Time 1hr & 55mins

Rated PG-13 For Language, Some Drug Use and Brief Sexuality

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