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Thursday, April 19, 2012

Like Crazy

Like Crazy, where do I begin. There is so much that is wrong with this movie.
Lets start off with the misleading trailer, that leads you to believe this is a love story. It's far from it.
In the beginning of the film, we are introduced to the main characters, Jacob and Anna.
The two meet while attending college in L.A., and they go out on a date with each other, and from then on they are completely smitten. But their is one little problem. Anna is from England and is only in L.A. as an exchange student, and so she needs to return to England during the summer so that her Visa won't be violated.
Well as you would have it, she refuses to go back because she is in love with Jacob, and she can't bare to live without him for two and a half months. So as a punishment she is sent back to England and is told she can't come back to America, because she Violated her student Visa.
Thus Her and Jacob are heart broken, and decide that a long distant relationship won't work. So they break up and agree not to speak to each other anymore. The two get on with their lives, and meet new people. Jacob meets Sam, who is played by Jennifer Lawrence, and Anna Meets some guy who's performance was totally forgettable so we will just refer to him as guy.
 The two go on to live separate lives, but oh wait Anna can't live without Jacob, so she decides to be obnoxious and ruin Jacobs relationship with Sam, so that the two can get married and live happily ever after.
Seriously, Anna was beyond annoying in this movie. She could never make up her mind. Just when Jacob got over her, she would pop back up in his life and demand that they be together.
The truly sad part to this movie, was when Jacob told Sam he had to break up with her, to be with the annoying girl from England. That scene broke my heart, because Sam truly loved Jacob, and their chemistry worked.
That's another thing I wanted to mention, the two main characters couldn't have worse chemistry. I felt nothing for those two, and couldn't care less if they ended up together or not. I actually found myself rooting against them.
So to sum it up, Jacob and Anna get married, fight for the rest of the movie, and then to top it off, we are given one of the worst endings that I have ever seen in my life! It didn't make any sense.
In a nutshell, save yourself and don't waste your time. This movie is not what the trailers make it out to be.

Grade D+
Running Time 1hr & 29Mins
Rated PG-13 For Sexual Content and Brief Strong Language

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