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Thursday, April 19, 2012

Like Crazy

Like Crazy, where do I begin. There is so much that is wrong with this movie.
Lets start off with the misleading trailer, that leads you to believe this is a love story. It's far from it.
In the beginning of the film, we are introduced to the main characters, Jacob and Anna.
The two meet while attending college in L.A., and they go out on a date with each other, and from then on they are completely smitten. But their is one little problem. Anna is from England and is only in L.A. as an exchange student, and so she needs to return to England during the summer so that her Visa won't be violated.
Well as you would have it, she refuses to go back because she is in love with Jacob, and she can't bare to live without him for two and a half months. So as a punishment she is sent back to England and is told she can't come back to America, because she Violated her student Visa.
Thus Her and Jacob are heart broken, and decide that a long distant relationship won't work. So they break up and agree not to speak to each other anymore. The two get on with their lives, and meet new people. Jacob meets Sam, who is played by Jennifer Lawrence, and Anna Meets some guy who's performance was totally forgettable so we will just refer to him as guy.
 The two go on to live separate lives, but oh wait Anna can't live without Jacob, so she decides to be obnoxious and ruin Jacobs relationship with Sam, so that the two can get married and live happily ever after.
Seriously, Anna was beyond annoying in this movie. She could never make up her mind. Just when Jacob got over her, she would pop back up in his life and demand that they be together.
The truly sad part to this movie, was when Jacob told Sam he had to break up with her, to be with the annoying girl from England. That scene broke my heart, because Sam truly loved Jacob, and their chemistry worked.
That's another thing I wanted to mention, the two main characters couldn't have worse chemistry. I felt nothing for those two, and couldn't care less if they ended up together or not. I actually found myself rooting against them.
So to sum it up, Jacob and Anna get married, fight for the rest of the movie, and then to top it off, we are given one of the worst endings that I have ever seen in my life! It didn't make any sense.
In a nutshell, save yourself and don't waste your time. This movie is not what the trailers make it out to be.

Grade D+
Running Time 1hr & 29Mins
Rated PG-13 For Sexual Content and Brief Strong Language

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Monday, April 16, 2012


I had no intentions of ever seeing this movie, but I went with some buddies of mine. But to be really honest this movie was awful. Not only was it that but it was also very painful to sit through.

The Dialogue, Acting and Writing made this movie horrible. Plus the plot was not well thought out. Moments in this film that were supposed to be serious, turned out to be just plain cheesy.

I couldn't recommend this movie and feel good about myself. Save your $8.00 and stay home.

Grade D+
Rated PG-13 

Desert Island

If you were stranded on an Island, and all you could take were 10 of your favorite movies, which would you choose? Here is my list.

1. James Cameron's Avatar
2. To Kill a Mockingbird
3. The Help
4. Pride and Prejudice
5. Thoroughly Modern Millie
6. The Ghost and Mr. Chicken
7. Hocus Pocus
8. Irving Berlin's White Christmas
9. Just Go With It
10. We Bought a Zoo

There you have it.

Friday, April 13, 2012

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

The Iron Lady

I was able to see The Iron Lady. A film I thought would be absolutely amazing.
One only assumes that when a huge star such as Meryl Streep is involved that it will be one of those movies you can't miss.
However The Iron Lady is one film that you aren't missing out on much. I'm really disappointed because I was looking so forward to seeing this film. Don't get me wrong it wasn't Meryl who was the problem here. Her acting was spot on and I feel that she gave a wonderful portrayal of Margaret Thatcher.
The problem here was the story and the way it was told. In the film we follow a very old Margaret Thatcher who you come to find is not right in the head. She has hallucinations of her deceased husband and we are given very brief glimpses of her 11 years as the Prime Minister. This is where the story is screwed up.
We aren't given a great film that follows a strong historical figure in her journey in politics. Instead we get to follow the Old version of Margaret Thatcher as she goes through her shoe box of memories.
Are you kidding!
Director Phyllida Lloyd who also directed Mamma Mia did a horrible job with this film. She not only did a real crappy job, she destroyed something that could have been great.

I'd say catch it on television if you really want to see it.

Rating: C-

Running Time 1hr & 45mins

Rated PG-13 For Some Violent Images and Brief Nudity